Thursday, February 24, 2011

Considering Wellness

I think alot about wellness, about what makes me feel well--a hot cup of tea, a call from a good friend, snuggling up with one of my dear ones,  EXERCISE, eating the right foods for my body, singing karaoke, getting to work on time and, yes, paying the bills before the last possible minute.  I feel very well after I have learned something new or healed one of the kids' colds with herbal tea, an ear candle and some vapor rub.   

I'll tell you when I don't feel well:  when I don't patch up my own knee, when I eat like a horse after six, when my to-do list on a given day looks like War and Peace, when I don't take the time to cook a decent meal, pet the dog, smile at a stranger, or go for a walk.  The same applies to my children.  I shudder when they tell me about school lunches.  I would be remiss if I didn't give them the annoying daily lecture about our country's state of ill health.  They roll their eyes sometimes, but the proof is in the pudding.  They are well-balanced people who know how to laugh hard, work diligently, love faithfully and eat (relatively) right.  We demand good manners, encourage free thinking and recommend natural remedies, homefront healing, as a first treatment.  So far, so good--most of them hate taking any kind of pill unless they really need it. 

So, in considering wellness this afternoon, I believe that overall wellness is the only way to fly.  And the only one responsible for my overall wellness is me.  I can heal myself at home, and treat my entire person, or I can go to the doctor and get medication with a name I can't pronounce.  I'm not against doctors at all; we need them.  But we don't need to run to them with every headache.  In fact, my own doctor recommended an amazing headache cure a few years back-- sinus rinse.  (  I have since successfully cured several throbbing noggins without medication, just homemade saline solution.  I love new ideas like that--they make me feel so empowered.  And...I am always on the prowl for new ones.



  1. Very nice Mama Paige, :)

    I remember meeting in Martin's when you were filling up your grocery cart with 'yummy-good-for-you-things'.

    Love the part you wrote about when you don't feel well. I feel the same way. Looking forward to reading more.


  2. Hi Paige! This is the first time I've ever taken the time to follow a blog!

  3. except that for some reason it says David (Spock) and not Mary...

  4. I get headaches almost daily, and I believe some of them are sinus related. I'm VERY interested in the nasal flush remedy thing, but where do you buy Celtic sea salt? Is it available at a normal grocery store?

  5. I make enough saline for both nostrils at once. I use two cups of water, one half teaspoon of fine sea salt and one quarterteaspoon of baking soda. The measurements aren't etched in stone. Here's a good link:

  6. Sorry, Sarah--the Celtic salt should be available in the earthy crunchy (organic) section of your local grocery store. My sinuses can't stand the pre-made stuff. Too strong. It burns my nose, even at half-strength. Happy rinsing!
